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Old 06-30-2003, 01:16 PM   #221
The Afoci
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Moorhead
I am really busy at work, so just some quick updates.

I really hate that I beat the Cheesecake a couple of weeks ago. Why you may ask? Well, I MOTS them and my team spirit has been crap. That with some horrible starter form which I overlooked has lead to two losses in a row to crappy teams. I have third locked up, but had I won these last two matches, plus beat the Cheesecake, I would now be in first place. Oh well.

My YP was a solid playmaker, inad passing, weak winger. He is 19. He has wretched stamina so he needs training there bad.

On some notes for the future, I plan to train stamina after this week. I will probably do that for 3 weeks. Overall, my teams stamina is very poor. I currently have 8 "true" inner mids. I will keep the 2 19 year old ones through any cup run I have next year then sell them off for some true trainees.

I hope to have my first Excellent playmaker next week.

Also, for all the hattrick experts out there, how much does stamina raise your midfield. The Orcs in my division have gone from a wretched midfield to a passable midfield in the last 5 weeks with out any signifigant purchase there that I can tell. Would it make that big of a difference?

This ends my rambling for this morning. Hopefully I will update the dynasty soon. I will be gone from thursday to thursday for some vacation! Should be fun.
I had something.
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