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Old 02-15-2008, 12:01 PM   #73
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Wisconsin
Originally Posted by wade moore View Post
Ugh. Yeah, not a fan of this. Meh - and I liked her.


I think it is really really rare to have someone that can sing, hasn't done anything and walks into AI to audition so, I'd expect most people that can sing have done some level of singing be it at a county fair or singing a National Anthem at some sporting event.

Plus, one thing to have an album cut with a low print # that you were pimping on your own website (see Daughtry, Bo Bice and probably a bunch of others) But, completely different to already have someone throw millions at promoting you and you failed. Sounds like they are trying to recoup their investment now. I'd rather throw money at Josiah and buy his songs off myspace then buy some previously failed artist.
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