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Old 02-15-2008, 09:55 AM   #68
wade moore
Join Date: May 2001
Location: williamsburg, va
Originally Posted by Ksyrup View Post
Kristy Lee Cook got a bunch of face time. In fact, it seems like they manufactured a backstory for her about having to sell a horse to pay for her trip to the audition. They went back to her farm and did a whole segment on her. Granted, that was for her first audition and they didn't focus on her as much in Hollywood, but still. She was the clear star from the first couple of audition shows.
I was definitely referring to Hollywood. She was in the 1st or 2nd audition show, in the minds of america that was a loooong time ago. So to me she's at a bit of a disadvantage because of the low coverage in Hollywood. I was actually wondering if she would get cut because of that.

Originally Posted by Ksyrup View Post
The long haired rocker? Are you talking about the former boy bander Robbie Carrico? Marketing aside, I still don't see what he has to do with being a rocker - now he wears a knit cap and has a scruffy beard. Oh, and Ryan continually calls him a rocker. Woopee! Just a guess, but I think he'll turn out to be as much of a rocker as Constantine was.

And thus the reason I think he's at risk for sliding off. They keep calling him a "rocker" and I think there's a decent sound to his voice, but I think wants I see him more I won't like him.
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Originally Posted by Subby
Maybe I am just getting old though, but I am learning to not let perfect be the enemy of the very good...
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