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Old 02-14-2008, 08:06 AM   #43
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Hog Country
I enjoy it from here out. The auditions are very very annoying to watch anymore. I find myself getting ticked off at the nonsensically bad performers they don't immediately cut repeatedly.

From here out I get a kick out of hearing what the judges say about a performance. Randy and Simon are actually pretty good judges. Paula is ok sometimes, but most often not. Randy is the best musician of the three, clearly, but Simon seems to be fairly in-tune with what will work with audiences and what will not with a lower level of just plain old music knowledge than Randy has. I think that is why he always makes comparisons to other events, like "that was like a bad wedding singer" and stuff like that. He isn't really sure what exactly was wrong, he just knows it didn't work and is usually right.
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