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Old 01-25-2008, 11:41 AM   #280
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post
My gut feeling is that Obama will win this nomination. Obama vs. McCain is how I see the general. (This could very well be wishful thinking on my part.)

It is. Romney and Hillary will meet in the general election. No doubt about it. McCain and Romney are now dead even in Florida as Romney is capitalizing on his business background, the terrible economy, and Washington being broken. At the debate last night, everybody was saying how Romney won the economy part hands down while McCain looked like an idiot without the focus being on the Iraq war. Giuliani has fallen off and will probably finish 3rd in Florida, his highest finish yet. He might be done. All indications are that Huckabee is out of money. Obama will win S.C., but Hillary will win big on Super Tuesday. In any closed primary, she has the advantage as does Romney on the Republican side.
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