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Old 01-18-2008, 09:25 AM   #170
High School Varsity
Join Date: Jan 2007
Originally Posted by Axxon View Post

But lets say it is. Compare the professed purpose of the holocaust which is to wipe out the Jewish race that also killed non Jews and try and say that the holocaust wasn't a jewish issue.

It all fails right there in Synovia's post since he clearly stated it's not a black issue since non blacks were lynched too. It's a pretty direct analogy to me.

Again, you're making my point.

You can have a lynching without black people being involved. You can't have the Holocaust (with a capital H) without the Jews being involved. Theyre completely seperate things.

A closer thing would be to say that people being held against their will during a war is an intrinsically jewish thing (which its not, its been done in every war since time started)
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