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Old 01-18-2008, 09:22 AM   #169
High School Varsity
Join Date: Jan 2007
Originally Posted by Axxon View Post
I don't mind the nitpick. I post from work and during calls so I'm sure a lot of what I type needs nitpicking.

I think you are over stepping the analogy though since Lynching is not to crime prevention as fishing is to bringing edible food from the ocean.

But lets say it is. Compare the professed purpose of the holocaust which is to wipe out the Jewish race that also killed non Jews and try and say that the holocaust wasn't a jewish issue.

It all fails right there in Synovia's post since he clearly stated it's not a black issue since non blacks were lynched too. It's a pretty direct analogy to me.

Axxon, your analogies make no sense.

Should I be offended every time someone uses the word Martyr, because Christians were thrown to the lions, even when they use the word correctly? Should I be offended every time someone uses the word "kill" because my Irish ancestors were persecuted and killed by the french and english colonists when they first moved to the US?

The word was used in the correct context. It has no intrinsic race associated. White people have been lynched. Asian people have been lynched. Yes, black people have been lynched, but theres nothing intrinsically 'black' about lynching someone.

The only reason Tiger/etc should be offended is if shes insinuating that hes a horse thief.
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