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Old 01-17-2008, 02:13 PM   #161
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Location: Phoenix, AZ
Originally Posted by JW View Post
Actually I found the entire post very interesting. I just didn't want to get into the other issues. I think our difference is only a matter of degree. Certainly she should be counselled by her boss at the very least about not saying stupid things or things that might offend people. All else aside, you know the network doesn't want to offend ANYONE, so as an employee she needs to understand that. I just see an overreaction mainly by the Al Sharpton types.

Actually, I think we're pretty close to being in agreement then.

I don't really get worked up by the Sharpton boys though. They do have a right to have their say, have it considered by the voting ( in this case with $$ ) public and let the community decide what the appropriate reaction should be.

If enough people in a community are willing to take their business elsewhere then what use is it to call them overreactors? It's their community. Just chalk it up to a place you wouldn't like to live. I know of lots of places like that for me. Nothing wrong with them but not my cup of tea.
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