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Old 06-26-2003, 11:36 AM   #215
The Afoci
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Moorhead
The Afoci was seen walking around the complex confused today. One thing was from the previous nights friendly. A 3-3 tie in which The Fighting Crawfish dominated possession and had a weak midfield compared to a disasterous one. Another thing that confused him was the fact tha Coach had yet to remove the bird droppings from his face. He keeps insisting he is saving it for later.

The complex has been extremely busy since the first successful tests of Crawfish with Laser Blasters instead of Claws. The armies are being assembled. The battle plans are being finalized. The peanut butter is being stockpiled. Soon, oh yes, soon, the world will know the power of Crawfish with Laser Blasters instead of Claws.

The rumors amongst the men is that the plan will go into affect shortly after the start of the next season. They will be one year older, one year stronger, and one year closer to death. So who cares if they die early, they were dying anyway.

Marmel and The Afoci are walking out of the Secret Hideout not so far from the New Fighting Crawfish Arena. They are laughing. But what about? What is so funny to both Marmel and The Afoci? What would make the leaders of the army of Crawfish with Laser Blasters instead of Claws laugh out loud? Could it be a secret plan to take over the world involving Crawfish with Laser Blaster instead of Claws that would make them laugh? I doubt it. But soon we will all know. Soon, we will know what makes them laugh...
I had something.
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