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Old 01-13-2008, 08:12 PM   #149
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Originally Posted by Grammaticus View Post
Are you actually serious here? That is a horrible analogy.

One is a comment that includes nothing in context to the reason a select group is complaining. The other is an actual act that is carried out. That analogy is better used for something like the Dr. Death assisted suicide scenario.

Also, you interestingly used "German" cannibal. It implies pre-historic in time period, where the act was likely not regulated by any law. You might have used a tribal group that actually practices cannibalism today. That would have set foundation in today's cultural and moral standards. That would have provided a little more support. But it is still a very odd analogy.

You're taking the word to the "eskimo" extreme. There as nothing special in choosing the word german except I didn't feel like googling the article and I remembered the story took place in germany and hoped that would be enough for people to know what story I was talking about.

As for the analogy I truly wonder what is so different between thought and action when the topic is whether something is consensual. That's the point I'm making but really, it's not even that.

Both are ACTIONS. This person took the action of broadcasting something possibly hurtful to an audience of millions. Tiger didn't take offense at that ACTION nor did the cannibal victim.

Though I'll give you your objection for the state of argument and ask you to explain why a completely consensual action can be wrong but a completely consensual action can't be?

Then we can talk about the fact that the comment was offensive ( and here I'm giving the other side their argument ) to a race of people, not an individual person and they most certainly haven't given it their ok to the statements so the whole "tigers ok with it" argument was bogus.

And that can be. A person actually can be a racist against their own race. Can we find one of them, publically abuse them with all the worst, most vile and disgusting concepts ever and have them say they're cool with it so no one else should be offended?

I'm really curious about that too. Seems that this would be a good tactic for the klan to take up so the good non racists can accept them again as cool people in hip robes.
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