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Old 01-12-2008, 11:12 PM   #134
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Location: Phoenix, AZ
Originally Posted by Noop View Post
I just don't see the point of it honestly. Sports to a certain degree I can understand because it is based on action(I am not sure if this makes sense) while arguing with someone who is a hardcore conservative about something like abortion would be pointless in my opinion. If you did manage to give the best debate that was infallible they would resort to something like the bible and dig in deep despite the presence of overwhelming evidence. (I am just using an example so please people do not try to argue abortion with me.)

That being said you bring up some very valid points and they are worth being considered. This is just my own personal preference and definitely didn't mean to come off as some snob or anything. I my intent was just to post that I did read the post and decided to sit this one out for the reasons I have stated.

Hey, I'm on your side on the whole meaning of the post thing. I don't think it was snobbery.

I think you did get what I said though so mull it over. It's not about convincing others it's about convincing yourself of the solidity of your own beliefs because you know that your opponent is equally dedicated, equally unyielding and going to give your views and your mind an intense workout that you won't get talking to someone you could convince to see your view.

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