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Old 01-12-2008, 04:24 PM   #109
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Location: Phoenix, AZ
Originally Posted by dangarion View Post
Why the hell does she deserve to be suspended, because Al Shapton and his cronies were offended?

I'm venturing a guess here but I'd say IF she deserves to be suspended it's because of what was mentioned earlier, because she's a journalist. Reasonable or not, we hold the press in a special light in this country and they have privileges designed to help serve the public and with those privileges should come certain responsibilities.

Now, what those responsibilities are is certainly debatable but it's certainly within discussion that not disparaging races or encouraging racial tensions would not be acceptable.

Bottom line though, as always is the money. After all, the only way that she CAN be suspended is if her boss feels the need and that's driven by money and if enough people complain about her and not enough complain about the complainers, then she could be suspended to avoid costing the company money and that certainly is their right.
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