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Old 01-11-2008, 09:33 AM   #25
College Starter
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Roseville, CA
Originally Posted by Hell Atlantic View Post
poor choice of words, but c'mon, this is golf we're talking about. i don't think she was using that as her opportunity to talk about her supposed "racist" views. but it was a bad choice of words. funny thing is, Woods is as far from a black man as you can get. he speaks whiter than a politician and makes more money than most CEOs.

just one of these days, i wish someone in that girl's position would just say "i apologize - but only to Woods. if any one else was offended by my comments - that i didn't intend to be offensive - they should chalk it up to a case of misunderstanding and a result of the perils of speaking on live tv, where there are no 'do-overs'". i'm getting tired of people having to apologize when they make non-threatening or non-blatantly racist comments. you will know when people are making overtly racist comments. trying to lynch someone because they said something live and working without a safety net, that's just grandstanding and asking for an apology just for the sake of it.

but yes, it was a poor choice of words. we're going to get to the point where everyone on tv is a talking mannequin, or a puppet, force fed their lines. i wouldn't be suprised to see robots doing commentary. i would not want to be a commentator or have anything to do with being on tv (talk shows, sports programming, etc). to be in a situation where you constantly have to monitor and filter what you say? we all have free speech, and to have to curb that so as not to "offend" someone, no thanks. not worth it. i'll stick to being home and making all the racist and insentive comments i want in the company of like-minded people. this isn't a good time to be in the public eye.
Hmmm, that's funny, Woods is far from being a Black man because he's articulate and makes a lot of money? Michael Jordan does the same. Is he far from a Black man? How about Senator Obama?

As for the rest, yes, it's a poor choice of words. However, to say people shouldn't be offended is pretty self-centered. Just because you don't understand it doesn't invalidate others views. And yes, there's free speech, but with that comes the right for peeple to not like what's said and respond.
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