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Old 01-11-2008, 08:52 AM   #1
High School Varsity
Join Date: Oct 2006
Why is the word "Lynch" a hate crime?
Bill Lumpkin - AHN
Orlando, FL (AHN) - Golf Channel anchor Kelly Tilghham has been suspended for two weeks for her on-air remarks that young golfers should "lynch Woods in a back alley."
Tilghman light-heartedly made the comments to analyst Nick Faldo during the PGA season-opening event during the Mercedes-Benz Championship.

The Golf Channel reacted on Wednesday after the Rev. Al Sharpton called for Tilghman's firing and other NCAAP leaders reacted as well.

Adora Obi Nweze, a president of the Florida State Conference, a unit of the NAACP, told the Orlando Sentinel that's Tilghham's comments were similar to those of Don Imus, who was fired by CBS after comments about the Rutgers women's basketball team.

Nweze said, "I don't know anybody who uses that word (lynch) commonly, or at all, for that matter."
How is this similar to Imus's Nappy headed Hos comment? The word Lynch does have a defintion, and Nweze must re-educate himself that there are times where the use of word Lynch would be correct.

"lynch Woods in a back alley." is the correct use of the word Lynch, and has nothing to do with Tiger woods being Black.

Main Entry:lynch

Function:transitive verb

Etymology:lynch law

: to put to death (as by hanging) by mob action without legal sanction
— lynch·er noun
I like the company I keep when I am alone. 'The Blonde Bomber'

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