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Old 01-07-2008, 09:05 PM   #140
Young Drachma
Dark Cloud
Join Date: Apr 2001
Obama worries the GOP because they want to somehow stop his surge before they swept up into the tide. Obama is no Kerry and so 2004 bears no resemblance to this race at all. Even all of the talk about him being all talk and no substance just isn't true. The guy is wonkish and has more than an affinity for spending too much time in the minutia of boring issues that don't fit well into soundbites.

From a straight policy perspective...I have a hard time getting behind the guy, because he's just too populist for me in his rhetoric and his desire to "change lives" using government. That's just too much overstepping and too any good intentions that could lead us to a host of New Deal-esque policy decisions that my generation will have to pay for the rest of our working lives.

As it turns out, the Republicans have done a terrible job of marketing themselves as people who really could appeal to all Americans. Hell, I can't even see that they can appeal to a broad base of moderate right-of-centre people.

I would hope that Obama's surge would induce moderate, freedom loving right-of-centre people to consider running for Congress and the Senate, to rise above the polarization and silliness that have dominated the political debate.

As for Hil's crying "moment"'s bull. It was a staged question and she handled it flawlessly. But the fact that she's so robotic that her attempting to cry is newsworthy, shows that the wheels are coming off of that freight truck a lot faster than conventional wisdom.

The real question going way further and assuming Obama would win the nomination, who would he pick as his running mate to diffuse the debate about him being "inexperienced."
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