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Old 01-07-2008, 04:46 PM   #132
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
The Republicans could put Ronald Reagan up as their nominee this year and they'd still lose. Obama has a 10% lead in NH according to the RCP average and I expect him to beat Hillary for the Democratic nomination and defeat whoever the Republican nominee is by a comfortable margin. Hillary's next best chance to win a state is in Nevada, but can she stop Obama's momentum? The establishment will rally around McCain over Huckabee and push him to the nomination as I think McCain is their best chance against Obama. They can tout his experience and ability to get independents. McCain said the other day that the U.S. would be in Iraq for 100 years. With the majority of the country against the Iraq war, Obama will coast to a victory. Hillary is bitter and scared right now. She'll try anything, including crying to get sympathy.
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