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Old 01-07-2008, 03:23 PM   #128
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Location: Dayton, OH
Originally Posted by Jas_lov View Post
That's what I said! More big government! The Bush Administration has doubled the size of the department of edcuation, started a massive beauracracy known as the Department of Homeland Security, a needless war costing hundreds of billions of dollars, prescription drug bill, etc. etc!

That's the reason why his numbers and approval rating are so low. Basically the only people that are satisfied with Bush are the right wingers who detest the left and rally around him for that. Regardless of what the left will say, Bush has not been a right wing president. He has actually been very moderate.

What this election is really going to be about is change. That is why Obama and Huckabee are doing so well. They are not your average polished Washington politician. I do not think that the general population is necessarily going to embrace Obama's positions on the issues, but they will embrace him.

Why is change so important? Which body of the government has a lower approval rating than Bush? Congress. This cycle reminds me a lot of 1992. Clinton was elected not because he was a moderate Democrat, he was elected because he was a change from the prior 12 years. People got disgusted with the government and in 1994 the Republicans took Congress because they ran on and represented change. After 12 years of power, the Republican led Congress outstayed its welcome and was kicked out on its ear. The result was a Democrat takeover of Congress. They didn't do anything any better. I would not be surprised to see Huckabee or Obama get elected, but I will say that if either does, they will not have any coattails that you typically see in a Presidential election.
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