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Old 01-06-2008, 07:23 PM   #119
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Kansas
Originally Posted by Schmidty View Post
Technically speaking, there isn't anything about a "wall" between church and state in the constitution.

Correct, it's not in the constitution anywhere, but to say it's not in the writings of the founding fathers is incorrect. I mean, Jefferson originated the term.

I can't imagine a school allowing a moment of silence and disallowing prayer. That's completely nonsensical. They told you that you couldn't pray silently to yourself? I've never understood why people need a set school prayer, I seem to remember there being plenty of time during school where you'd have the opportunity to pray.

Anyway, I'm sure we've beat that subject to death time and time again here, but I do think Paul is frightening to some with regards to Religion/State, and I've read some things that would lead one to believe he's really pushing for the church to be more of a focus, and I thought I read something to the effect of how the church is more important than the state.

I don't really have a horse in the race. I'm partial to Obama, but to be fair that's purely from a charismatic perspective. I think he has potential to be a nice figurehead for us, and I think we really need someone with charisma and a "vision" after the last 8 years. I don't know enough about the Republican candidates to know if there is anyone like that on their end, but the ones I do know aren't.

Then again, I'm ignorant when it comes to politics, which I guess probably puts me in line with the majority of the population.
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