Thread: Guild Wars
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Old 12-23-2007, 01:14 PM   #93
College Prospect
Join Date: May 2005
I've been playing this quite a bit lately in spurts, after having picked it up when it was first released. I finally completed the original guild wars campaign a few months ago with a warrior, "The Brute". That led to my purchase of all the other campaigns. And, I quickly completed the main story line in the Eye of the North campaign with that same warrior with the addition of heroes. Heroes really make a big difference in how you can play the game, and now I wish I had picked up Nightfall when it first came out. And, Eye of the North is a really nice expansion. It is too bad they moved on to Guild Wars 2, because another expansion similar to Eye of the North would have got more of my money. I don't think I will be in a rush to buy Guild Wars 2, because there is still so much I haven't done in Guild Wars.

I haven't played very much of Factions or Nightfall yet. However, I have gotten a ritualist to level 20 in Factions, my only other 20th level character. And, she has only explored the initial island and just a bit of the main land. Also, my warrior has explored Nightfall to acquire some more heroes.

I have one character for each of the ten classes each at various levels. All of them are RPG characters. I really don't care for the PvP in game, except for the rollerbeattle racing during the 4th of July weekend. Snowball fights during wintertime are also OK to do for awhile. PvP is really not my game since I don't use very good builds, that's why the holiday PvP with their set builds work better for me.

Having gotten the other campaigns, I now have several options available in where and what to do in the game. And, I am finding this pulling me back to the game more than when I only had the original Guild Wars and it's story and quests available to me. I even, finally!, got around to getting my remaining 3 original characters and their birthday minipets out of pre-searing Ascalon and into the main storyline.
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