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Old 12-11-2007, 10:39 PM   #76
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally Posted by Anxiety View Post
As a Republican, I feel betrayed by GWB and the Congresses of the 2000s for pulling this fiscal crap. We were the party of fiscal responsibility, and for all of his faults, you'd never see leadership under Newt pull this pork spending spree crap.

Exactly. The Republican Party is in shambles and that's why they are going down next year. They've turned into big government war mongers, and the only one running against that is Ron Paul so it is a perfect climate for him to run with conservatives pissed at the neo-conservative Bush Administration. There also might be some Democrats upset with Congress about the war and civil liberties who switch to Paul. He actually has a better record on those two issue than all Democrats running except Kucinich. I'll be voting for Paul in the Iowa caucus and I won't vote for any other candidate currently running, but overall I think it'll be tough for him to gain a lot of traction because people like the government taking care of them. Although, the Iowa Independent predicts a 3rd place for him in Iowa, and he's gonna have a ton of money to spend. Not sure if he can pull this off, but I'm really interested to see how he does in Iowa, a state that you wouldn't think he'd fair too well.
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