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Old 12-11-2007, 05:35 PM   #52
Big Fo
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Jan 2005
I came across this great post the other day on a different messageboard regarding why Hillary Clinton is so unpopular, it pretty much sums up why I'm worried about her chances in a general election should she win the nomination.

hated by stay at home moms for her "I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession which I entered before my husband was in public life." quote

hated by anti-war advocates for voting for iwr and refusing to apologize for the vote.

hated by men for constantly playing the gender card.

hated by people for carpetbagging from chicago to arkansas to new york.

hated by people for her two biggest achievements prior to 1992 was as the wife of the governor and being hired at a law firm at her husband's request.

hated by people concerned about healthcare because hillarycare was such a cluster**** that it stifled debate on healthcare reform for more than a decade.

hated by people who hate her james carville/paul begala/howard wolfson/mark penn political machine.

hated by people who hate people who take large campaign donations from rupert murdoch and fox news vps.

hated by people who would like to hear a position before that position has been exhaustively polled.

progressives hate her. independents hate her. republicans hate her. what she has is the absolute middle and middle-right of the democratic party, make up mostly of soccer moms and people who voted "electability" and "gravitas" candidates like john kerry.

This is why I'm hoping that somebody defeats her for the nomination, and I'm starting to think it might actually happen.
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