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Old 11-26-2007, 02:50 PM   #381
FOBL Commish
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Team Radii
Generally speaking, I try and teach my kids not to be fatalists ... I'm a pretty optimistic person, but I recognize the need to balance reality with optimism. So we end up having conversations about not assuming the worst is going to happen in different situations, etc.

Saturday night, the whole family went out to see Enchanted, but my seven-year old son didn't want to go. We talked for a bit, and he finally relented, but as we got in the car, I said "We'll go to the movie, have some popcorn, and then when we get home, we'll sit down and watch the Leafs lose, ok?"

"Dad, you don't *know* that they're going to lose!"
"Yes I do."
"No you don't ... they could win."

I dropped it at that point. Walked out of the theatre a couple hours later and checked my cellphone -- 5-1 (end 2nd).

I didn't mention it.
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