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Old 11-13-2007, 11:37 AM   #328
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Edmonton, AB
Originally Posted by Maple Leafs View Post
Well, it seems like what everyone suspected is now being reported, although not outright confirmed by anyone. Apparently a source in the Rangers dressing room has confirmed that Avery was making fun of Blake's cancer diagnonis.

Should anybody be surprised? No.

Avery's an asshat and has always been one. Unfortunately, too many guys give in to his silliness and that's how he becomes effective. Then the media hypes things up even more and voila, Avery's done his job. Teams continue to fall over themselves to take stupid penalties and the rest of Rangers get the week off from dealing with the press because everybody wants to hear what Avery's going to say next.

Let him chirp all he wants...if he has the puck, hit him...if he hits one of your best players...hit him harder...if he gets up...repeat. He'll eventually fade away as he's nothing more than a 3rd liner but gets paid big bucks because he's willing to take a lot of crap to get his team a power play or two a game and nowadays, that's HUGE.
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