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Old 06-20-2003, 01:19 AM   #319
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Chicago
Luzon, The Phillipines

The battle rages on, and the withdrawal continues across much of the front. The Japanese press the Marine lines hard, particularly in the west. The line draws dangerously thin in spots…

18:57 Hours

Zone 1

There remains no action on the west side of the zone, as the Japanese do not appear to be attempting to flank us. The same cannot be said for the east side of the line, however. Lieutenant The Afoci’s command squad and Lieutenant bertogarce’s own Stuart tank fight off a squad of enemy infantry that emerge from the trees. But as soon as those troops are forced back, more of the persistent enemy emerge, and a fierce firefight ensues. One of the men from Lieutenant The Afoci’s squad catches a bullet in the throat, and expires with a wet gurgle, but the Marines hold the line.

Zone 2

The action remains fast and furious in Zone 2, as the withdrawing troops of Lieutenant sterlingice’s 3rd Platoon, Armor B and Lieutenant JeffNights’ 3rd Platoon, Infantry D catch harassing fire from the northwest. The superior firepower of the Marines is able to force the enemy to hold back, but soon mortar fire begins to drop among the Marines.

In the center, Captain Coffee Warlord’s Infantry D command squad is able to pull back in good order, thanks in no small part to the assistance of the Stuart tanks of Captain sachmo71’s Armor B Command, who fend off another small Japanese attack up the middle.

In the meantime, the machinegun teams from Infantry D hop onto the hulls of Lieutenant Superman=#54’s 2nd Platoon, Armor B, and are quickly transported to positions near their captain. The withdrawal of the armor and Lieutenant Aesyrqwe’s 2nd Platoon, Infantry D continues with little trouble.

Zone 3

The withdrawal of C Company and their supporting armor continues, and no contact is made with the Japanese.

Zone 4

The west edge of Zone 4 sees some action, as the brave Marines of Lieutenant samifan24’s 1st Platoon, Infantry A fend off a probe by the Japanese as they fall back. Shortly thereafter, Japanese infantry attempt to swing into position on the left flank, but are easily beaten back, thanks in no small part to the superior firepower and marksmanship of Captain WSUCougar’s Armor A Command.

The withdrawal of the rest of A Company continues unhindered.

19:00 Hours

Zone 1

Japanese troops continue to press The Afoci’s 1st Platoon, Infantry B and Lieutenant bertogarce’s 1st Platoon, Armor B. They seem to be attacking in waves, oblivious to the losses their own men are sustaining. The fighting remains fierce, and at close range. 1st Platoon, Infantry B sustains two more casualties, but hold their ground.

Zone 2

The heavy mortar fire on the western edge of the zone causes a couple of casualties among the Marines, but still most are able to continue their withdrawal. Not all, however, as one of the squads from Lieutenant JeffNights’ 3rd Platoon, Infantry D are firmly pinned in place, unable to move without threat of being immediately cut down.

The withdrawal continues smoothly across the rest of the area, however.

Zone 3

The relative silence in Zone 3 is broken quite suddenly, as a full platoon of Japanese infantry burst forth from the trees in front of Lieutenant tucker342’s 1st Platoon, Infantry C and Lieutenant Tasan’s 3rd Platoon, Armor A. A brief and vicious firefight ensues. Two Marines fall, but our boys give better than they get, and the Japanese are forced to fall back and regroup.

The rest of the troops of C Company continue their withdrawal without incident.

Zone 4

Mortar shells begin to fall in the area abandoned by the men of Lieutenant samifan24’s 1st Platoon, Infantry A mere moments before. Other than that, the withdrawal continues smoothly.

19:03 Hours

Zone 1

The fighting is furious for the men of Lieutenant The Afoci’s 1st Platoon, Infantry B and Lieutenant bertogarce’s 1st Platoon, Armor B. Heavy Japanese mortar fire hits the right side of the line, and the unfortunate Marines there do not escape unscathed. As soon as the mortars let up, Japanese infantry charges forward yet again. The Marines are being tested, both mentally and physically, by the repeated charges, and the line is growing dangerously thin. One squad of Japanese even gets close enough to attempt an assault on one of Lieutenant bertogarce’s Stuarts, but fortunately it fails.

Shortly after the most recent Japanese attack melts away, the welcome sound of howitzer shells greets the ears of those Marines with intact eardrums. The elation at the sound suddenly turns to horror, however, as some of the shells land among the Marine positions…

Zone 2

The withdrawal in the middle of the zone goes with little hindrance, but both ends are struck by the Japanese. The pinned squad from Lieutenant JeffNights’ 3rd Platoon, Infantry D, commanded by Sergeant Huck, are hit hard from the west, sustaining casualties, and are forces east, north of the line, in order to elude their attackers.

At the same time, the far right side of the line is struck, as the Japanese suddenly and violently attack the men of Lieutenant Aesyrqwe’s 2nd Platoon, Infantry D and Lieutenant Superman=#54’s 2nd Platoon, Armor B. One of Infantry D’s squads, at the far right of the line, are mauled by rifle and machinegun fire from the enemy, and only two men are able to stumble away from the carnage intact.

Zone 3

One squad of Japanese infantry strike at Lieutenant tucker342’s 1st Platoon, Infantry C and Lieutenant Tasan’s 3rd Platoon, Armor A. The Marines do suffer one casualty before beating back the enemy, but are able to continue their withdrawal.

The rest of Infantry C continues to back off unmolested.

Zone 4

All contact seems to have been broken with the Japanese, at least for the time being, and the withdrawal continues unhindered in Zone 4.


Zone 1

1st Platoon is getting worn down quite rapidly, and are also in considerable danger of suffering from “blue-on-blue.” Something needs to be done to help them, Captain RainRaven.

The 60mm mortar team reports that their rounds are nearly spent. The 81mm mortar teams have only enough ammo left for a few minutes of sustained bombardment.

Zone 2

Sergeant Huck’s squad is out there in no man’s land, but you risk additional troops if you send someone out there to help them out. It’s your call, Captain Coffee Warlord.

One thing that you do need to do is shift some troops to the southeast, about 100 yards or so. A small gap has developed between your zone and zone three, and we can’t risk having the Japanese slip through the crack.

Also, you’ve got about another 100 yards to withdraw before the howitzers can give you any direct help in the middle or the right side.

Zone 3

The withdrawal is going well, all things considered, but you do have another 200 yards or so to go yet.

The 81mm mortar teams report that they have enough ammo left for about 3 minutes of sustained fire.

Zone 4

Contact has been broken and all is going well. About 300 yards to go yet, though.


I’ve got a busy couple of days planned, so I will not be able to get back to this until Sunday. You have until then to post your orders.

Semper Fi!
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Last edited by DataKing : 06-30-2003 at 07:21 PM.
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