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Old 11-08-2007, 02:01 PM   #443
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Took my Solihull Moors (English Conference North) to 3rd place in season 1, but lost in the first round of the playoffs.

Now 18 games into season 2, we're currently in 6th place.

Solihull have the lowest team value in all of the playable English playable teams and no benfit of a Parent club. Although I've had good success on the pitch, and always been below our wage budget, our team is absolutely bleeding cash. Currently $120K in the hole. The biggest whammer was the $75K payout to the players at the end of season 1, based on our team's success. So in season 2, I set the players bonus to "Low", so now half my team is pissed off about it. Not sure how much it affects their performance, but I suppose it does somewhat.

In season 1, I was able to pick up a couple really good free transfers (GK Russell Payne from the USA who by some miracle got a work permit approved and DR Angel Rangel) but haven't been able to lure even 1 player over to my team on loan.
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