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Old 10-31-2007, 03:39 PM   #317
College Prospect
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Raleigh, NC
It trips me out every year how everyone says that WWSM will be better supported and patches will be released simultaneously for FM and WWSM and digdownload options... We fall for this every year for the last several and then the story changes after release and the WWSM folks still have to wait.

I have still yet to purchase this year even though I really want to play the game badly I am just fed up with the (relatively) poor support we get stateside.

In my mind the support that SI offers overall has declined over the last 2-4 years since they have tried to take on other sports simulations beyond the FM series.

I continue to have alot of respect for Marc Vaughn and Duffy (as they individually provide our members alot of one-on one support) but the end result of there companies support for the product has taken a hit over the last few years.
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