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Old 10-30-2007, 01:44 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Buffalo, NY
Werewolf LIX: Anarchy in Fairytale Land Day 4 GAME OVER SHREK WINS!!!

Intrigue in Fairy Tale Land

Time comes and time goes and no matter how much life changes, the land of fairy tales is always there to ground us in uplifting and entertaining stories of good and evil.

Well, that’s all gotten a BIT convoluted lately. Hi there, I’m the Fairy Godparent and there is trouble afoot.

See, the Dragon has been Swooping about trying to snatch away every young lovely lady he can find, because he needs the princesses under his control to secure his power. Lord Farquad, you remember him, the guy that came up a little…short…in the Shrek movie? Yeah, well he’s back and he’s a ’little’ hot under the collar. Then there are the others, tons of them, all over fairy tale land. Everyone’s running amok trying to figure out wtf is going on.

And it all started with rumors that the Big Bad Wolf was back around. He had been banished for some time, but if the rumors are true, its nothing but bad news for our fairy tale friends.

The 5 little pigs got together and tried to organize the populace, yes, I said 5. Apparently someone decided on a pig roast that night….We haven’t seen or heard from the surviving 3 pigs…

Then blind Mice got all uppity and tried to rally people, but all they rallied was a huge round of laughter. What good could 3 blind mice do?

So here’s the thing. SOMEWHERE in fairy tale land, there are some wolves, some mice and some pigs. And the regular populace wants them all found and dealt with so that some semblance of normalcy can return. The only problem with this plan is that the populace is scheming for their own ends as well.

OK! Rules are posted below, Signups will be open until Sunday Evening, latish (Not sure exactly but I'l post here when they close) First Deadline will be Monday Night.

If you have questions or coments on the rules or Informatoin regarding the game please PM me with them.

Last edited by RendeR : 11-09-2007 at 12:40 PM.
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