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Old 10-24-2007, 10:16 AM   #126
Pro Starter
Join Date: Jan 2004
Originally Posted by Icy View Post
The most reported bug is the lack of effectiveness of the "closing down" tactical order. It seems that even if you tell your players to close down the attackers, they keep going back and back allowing the attackers to get close to the area to score, instead of trying to tackle them. To tell you the true, in the few games i played in the demo, i didn't think it was that terrible, i doubt i would have really noticed it if not posted in he forums, but i also never watch the full games, i just watch the key moments.

Here you can see a resume of all the reported bugs, 99% f them don't bother me at all and in fact i see them as really minor ones or not even bugs but human perception. I understand some of them bothering a small group of players but that most of us wouldn't have ever found if not posted like:

Southampton do not change kit (unless you are a Southampton fan, you probably don't care)

Weather Bug In Finland (i have never in 10 years playing CM/FM put the Finland league active or played with a Finnish team)

Ball Height Looking Unrealistic (umm ok?)

User having too much knowledge (???)

Anyway here is the full reported (that doesn't mean that are real bugs) list from SI forums:

Technical Issues

Game is Crashing out during the splash screens
There is a good chance that this is a graphics card driver problem. Check that your drivers are in date and if they are not then please update them and try again.
Mac Installer Issues
W2K Installer Issues
Running the Game in a Custom Resolution
ATI Radeon Xpress 200 Video Cards.
Seems there's a regular problem with these cards. Please visit here: ATI Drivers
And download ATI's Catylist graphics card driver update.

Gameplay Issues

Scorelines Changing Post Match
Yellows not given for timewasting
Captian and Vice Captain already assigned (Not asked for changes)
Weather Bug In Finland
Tight Marking not appearing in Match Tactics
Coaches/Assistants Over Rating Players at lower levels.
Injuries getting 'stuck' and lasting longer than shown.
Scandinavian Decimal Point Issue
Leeds Managers not having the 15pt deduction taken into account and being sacked.
European Champions Cup Fixtures not Displaying Correctly
MLS - Various Bugs Covering the Many MLS Changes.
Keeper instructions changing after late substitutions.
AI Not Substituting Injured Players Even though they have subs left.
Defenders backing off / not challenging for the ball.
Too Many Goals being scored
Too Many Disallowed Goals
Board Over-Reacting to a friendly / Community shield result.
Player Ratings Too Low
Continue Game Timer - Continues past Team Talks when it shouldn't.
Ball Height Looking Unrealistic
Scroll not working in team talks.
Pitch 'minmise' settings on tactics page not being saved.
Team of the week Award does not include Monday games in Norway
Players with Second nationalities appearing with wrong coloured skin in facegen.
Players being sent to reserve teams not acting correctly.
Portuguese Player Names Wrong in Long Term
Key man Analysis problems
Free Budget Money Bug
player wants less for being a player/coach
Maldini has unknown morale
wrong tool tip for inactive persons
Access out of bounds
Southampton do not change kit
User having too much knowledge
Game not informing you have a Gk selected
Game Changes the Score an won't let the user Continue

MLS - Various Bugs Covering the Many MLS Changes.

This is expected and is pretty much why I never buy these anymore as silly as it sounds.
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