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Old 06-18-2003, 07:12 PM   #65
Chief Rum
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Where Hip Hop lives
August 22, 2002

Kettering Press Conference

(The scene is similar to the press conference where Matthew Kieta was first introduced. It is under a canopy near the team offices in front of the ground. Both local media and a couple radio reporters are on hand, as well as a healthy grouping of fans, held back by security. A podium sits at the team end of the canopy. At exactly noon, the team offices door opens, and Kieta emerges with his entire coaching and scouting staff, new and old. No players are present, nor is chairman Peter Mallinger, although several representatives of the club's public relations department are present and running the show. Kieta walks up to the podium, as his staff takes some chairs set out behind the podium.)

Kieta: Thank you for coming, ladies and gentlemen of the media. Before we begin, I would like to read a prepared statement about our latest moves, and introduce our new coaches and scouts. Then I will open the floor to questions. And don't be too harsh--the players are at lunch inside and they can hear you all--they are really quite a sensitive bunch...(grins, the media chuckles...)

Kieta: Okay, then let's get to it. {Looking down at a card before him on the podium) I am proud to announce the hiring of two new coaches and two new scouts to the Kettering Town staff, including Shaun Reid (turning and presenting to the appropriate person in turn, each of whom stands briefly), Raymond Starrett, Ian John and Kevin Lynch. I can't say enough about the character and abilities of these four men. I am certain they will make fine additions to what I believe is already as top notch a staff as any in semi-professional football. I also wanted to confirm that we made an approach to Mr. Ray Houghton for a position on the staff as well, but unfortunately, we were unable to agree to terms. I wish Mr. Houghton all the best in what I am certain will be a brilliant career in coaching football. We have also come to loan terms with forwards Chris Thompson of Grimsby Town and Ryan Trudgian of Plymouth, and with defensive midfielder Andy Dowie of the Rangers, whom, of course, are a noted power of the Scottish Premier League. They are still en route to Kettering today and couldn't be here for this press conference, but they will be in uniform on Saturday. It is my belief that every single move today will pay vast dividends to the Poppies and our faithful fans in the future, in the form of both victories and, God willing, promotion to the League. I will know open the floor to questions...Yes, Roger?

Roger Terndon: Can you detail for us how the Houghton negotiations went? And how it came to be that a Conference side like the Poppies would be in the running for a football personalit of his reknown?

Kieta: Sure thing. It really started off as a shot in the dark, Roger. I had heard through the coaching grapevine that Ray was an able coach, and I already know from his playing days that he is a great leader. When he got dismissed from Crystal Palace, I think it was a bit of a shock for him, because he didn't want to leap back into the fold. So he missed out on some of the early openings. Now that we're so far past the preseason, he has probably gotten that itch to retuirn to football in some capacity, even if it's for a Conference side like us. I contacted him, and found that there was some mutual interest. Unfortunately, we weren't able to go much further beyond that.

N C&E beat reporter: Why was that?

Kieta: I'm sure money entered into it a little bit. Right from the beginning we knew we could only offer Ray a fraction of what he could get from a higher division club. But in the end, that mattered little to Ray, I think. As he said yesterday, the fact we weren't at a high enough level was the main stumbling block.

N C&E beat reporter: Did the Houghton negotiations have any effect on your other coaching decisions?

Kieta: Not at all. Shaun was hired before we even got into serious negotiations with Houghton, and Raymond here was going to be hired no matter what, as he will be handling an entirely different area of the coaching staff responsibilities than what I had planned for Ray Houghton.

N.E.T. beat reporter: Could you give us a run down of what those responsibilities will be and how they will be delegated?

Kieta: Sure. Steve is my assistant manager, of course. His main responsiblity is to run the reserve squad and watch over player development, as well as other off-field responsibilities. He is my right hand man. Chris Swift is the guy the players know, from his days coaching under Carl Shutt. He brings us invaluable coaching experience with this side, and is a strong field coach himself besides. Shaun is going to help Steve with the outfield coaching, and is just brilliant at getting the most out of these guys. And Raymond is my personnel and tactical evaluator. I have met few men who can pick out the talent Raymond can, and if there's a person in the Conference who understands the nuances of the various tactics as well as Raymond, I have yet to meet him. Peter Lake and Chris Palmer are my trainers and handle the physical training and keep my players fit. Then Darren Davis, Ian and Chris will handle my scouting.

Roger Terndon: Do you think these new players will kickstart the offense?

Kieta: Honestly, I think we're just going through a bad stretch of form right now. That said, I would imagine that all three will contribute a lot to the offense. What it gives us now that we didn't have before is some depth. I will no longer have to rely on a small number of players to create offense, and I will also have a lot more options for lineup matching. And most important is that the addition of Thompson and Trudgian will allow me to move Shaun Murray back to the midfield, where I think he can be more effective. And Dowie will take some of the pressure off of Murray, Davy Williamson and the wingers to be playmakers.

Tommy Ridgely: There has been talk of Dowie being a difficult player to handle. What have you heard, and how will you handle it?

Kieta: Well, rumors are rumors. No one comes to this club with a reputation, at least not in my book. It's what you do here that matters, and Andy Dowie wil come with a clean slate. I have spoken with Mr. McLeish from the Rangers, and he assures me that, while Andy is passionate and active, he has a fiery heart and a dedicated footballer. I would say that's a pretty good testimonial from a man who would know.

N.E.T. beat reporter: Will all three start?

Kieta: They will get looks, and as with the rest of the players, some will start more than others. It will be the play on the pitch and in practice that determines it, though. I have said before that I will be using a lot of lineup rotation, and that is still true. This season will be a complete team effort, from the most well-respected player to the last reserve on the youth squad.

Mallory Walken, N C&E soccer columnist: Will you be changing your tactics at all to try and generate more offense?

Kieta: That's almost a certainty, Ms. Walken, although I assure you it would likely change as much even with two victories and ten goals to start the season. I have always felt that when you stick with one tactic, the opponents who know you well will learn to break it and beat it. It is inevitable. So I plan to vary my tactics, so opponents won't be able to prepare for us so easily. I won't say what other tactics I am considering, though, since, well, Scarborough might be listening on, you know (winks at the crowd, and smiles)

N C&E beat reporter: Are you concerned at all about starting the season off so poorly? And what about some of the brutal play we saw in Stevenage the other night?

Kieta: I am as concerned as anyone, of course. But I have every confidence in this side. We will get there. We just need to work at it, and I know I have the quality of man I need on this team to make that happen. As for the fouls, I lectured the team about that after the match. I'm not against a little rough housing, but we had way too much arguing with the refs. When you're in a tight match like Tuesday's, you can't afford having the officials run against you as well as the other side. You have to understand, though, that it was a very frustrating evening. I have to hand it to the Boro--they took us out of our game. Only I can be to blame for that--I should have had the players better prepared. Next time, they certainly will be. And, now, folks, thank you for your time, but we must be off. The afternoon practice is going to begin ina few minutes, and my staff and I have yet to hit the lunch line. So thank you again, and be sure to attend our match this Saturday against Scarborough. Good day.

(Kieta walks away from the podium for the team office, leaving the media behind and leading his itinerary of coaches with him.)

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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