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Old 08-29-2007, 11:52 PM   #51
Join Date: Apr 2001
Location: Early, TX
I don't have a dog in this fight, so I don't care at all either way, but as vociferous as you are in most discussions like this, will you come back and admit you're wrong if you are?

I'm just asking. I actually agree with you for the most part.

Originally Posted by TroyF View Post
1) With all due respect, this is more than just "gut" instinct. It's my opinion based on watching him play. I'm not an NFL scout so I could be full of crap, but I don't like what I've seen.

2) Russell could be Mother Theresa, I'm not trying to debate his merit as a human. I'm sure he's a good guy. I know lots of good guys, that doesn't mean I think they'll succeed in the NFL.

3) I understand why #2 means we should wish he succeeds. I hope he does, even though he plays for the Raiders. (assuming he signs) Saying I think he's going to fail is far different from saying I hope he's going to fail. Again, this is not a discussion about being a special person, it's a discussion about him being a special QB.

4) No matter how good of a person OR QB he is, sitting out all of camp will stunt his development. Sitting out the full year is likely to make his career a washout. Guys just don't come back well after a full year away from the game. I'm not sure Russell will ever recover if he continues on his current path.

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