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Old 08-21-2007, 01:15 PM   #52
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Chicagoland
Originally Posted by gstelmack View Post
Iraq was all about the perceived WMDs. Again, Bush was not the only one who thought he had them, the Dems did, too.

Originally Posted by flere-imsaho View Post
Why does it always come back to the Clintons? Look, the list of people who, in 2002, are on record as saying "Saddam has WMDs" is long, no one's going to deny that. But what else were they going to say? What evidence did they have to go on?

Answer: The evidence the Bush Administration was giving (notably via Colin Powell) in support of invading Iraq. Evidence that was later found to be:
  • Heavily slanted in CIA reports that were largely authored by the "Office of Special Plans" set up by Dick Cheney in the Pentagon.
  • Almost entirely based on the word of a single source, i.e. "Curve Ball", who was later found to be completely unreliable.
  • Difficult even to pass the "sniff test" of Powell, who exploded when reading the first draft of his speech for the U.N.
  • Contradicted by at least one major U.S. intelligence agency (the State Department's INR)

It does your argument no credit to say "well, the Clintons/Al Gore/random democrats agreed with Bush in 2002." At the time, these people were doing, ironically, what the Republicans have vilified them ever since circa 2004 for not doing, i.e. standing by their President in a time of crisis. And you wish to use this to support an argument about a decision that has since been shown to have been based on incorrect or fabricated evidence and seriously biased conclusions? Please rethink this.

Originally Posted by gstelmack
NK has not proven itself a threat to us.

And Iraq had? Iraq had no WMD delivery systems that could reach the USA (or much past their borders, for that matter) in 2002. Unless you're arguing that Iraq could have sold WMD to terrorist groups, but the same was (and still is) true for NK. And it's probable that NK has enriched plutonium. Iraq didn't.

Saudi Arabia is working to clean up their radical element because it's as much a threat to their government as it is to ours. Ditto for Pakistan, we are trying to work with that government and it is trying to work with ours.

I find it surprising that you're willing to trust the House of Saud and Musharraf this much.
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