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Old 08-21-2007, 01:03 PM   #51
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Dec 2003
Originally Posted by gstelmack View Post
Iraq was all about the perceived WMDs. Again, Bush was not the only one who thought he had them, the Dems did, too. NK has not proven itself a threat to us. Saudi Arabia is working to clean up their radical element because it's as much a threat to their government as it is to ours. Ditto for Pakistan, we are trying to work with that government and it is trying to work with ours.

Anyway, I've said what I believe, and exactly what context I place the "9/11 changed everything" statement.

In other words, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's have died, thousands of American troops have died, but the only response is "oops, we were wrong." Seriously? That's your arguement?

Shouldn't that, at the very least, act as a preventive measure to make sure you're right before launching a goddamn war given what's at stake? I don't oppose war (and I supported the Iraqi war on the premise that getting rid of Saddam was a moral benefit to the world) - that's a foolhardy stance, given human nature. I do opposed ill-thought out wars with no planning ("Mission Accomplished?") and people like you who seem to think that a significant error requires no backtracking or understanding of what went wrong, and we should just get on with the next one (bomb Iran!).

Last edited by Crapshoot : 08-21-2007 at 01:05 PM.
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