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Old 08-20-2007, 08:52 PM   #41
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally Posted by dawgfan View Post
Agree on Afghanistan, completely disagree on Iraq. And we do need to start changing our lifestyles Greg - oil isn't going to last forever, and our heavy dependence on it places our country in very undesirable positions in terms of foreign policy and energy dependence.

I also agreed on Afghanistan initially because it was to get the people like Osama bin Laden who were responsible for attacking us. He escaped and we're now involved in two nation building projects, something that President Bush campaigned against and criticized President Clinton/Al Gore for getting into in the 2000 election. I thought Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and disagreed going in there in the first place. Iran and Pakistan might have nuclear weapons, but are they really stupid enough to use them on the most powerful nation in the world and not expect a full out retaliation? Israel, one of our allies, would like nothing more than to blow up Iran and they could with their own nuclear weapons. One of the major reasons for 9/11 was our involvement over there so now we're advocating more involvement over there? It doesn't make any sense.
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