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Old 07-28-2007, 09:27 AM   #323
Alan T
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Mass.
Ok Cronin replied before I even posted my last message completely. (Darn Speedy GMs!)

Anyhows, here it is:

You black out shortly after dinner. You awake in your bed in the morning, with no memory of what happened during the previous evening.

So.. initially I was afraid that someone did something to hurt me.. after I actually stopped babbling in posts here and thought about it a little longer, I think it was someone on our side who has some kind of action blocker ability. What I mean by this, is in some games people will have an ability to use on someone to prevent that person from doing any night time activities.

This PM made me feel that is what happened to me last night, which unfortunatly for the person who used it on me, it didn't block me from doing anything

So I guess the net result from it is that whoever used it on me, knows that even though it doesn't mean I am or am not a wolf, that at least I wasn't the one responsible for killing JE last night. What I was hoping for when I changed the tone of my posts last night was some way for them to drop me a hint so I knew who was on my side, but unfortunatly like I said I think I blew it.

So anyhows, thats what happened to me last night, I was going to also say people can feel free to scan me tonight to verify that I am good, but Kwhit does bring up a good point about a conversion attempt. Even though I think its very unlikely that is the case (especially since I wasn't told anything about conversion in the PM you can see above), seer folks may want to wait an extra day (or even 2?) to scan me if you want to make sure.

Anyways, thats the truth, and it doesn't help us alot more than understand a bit better one of the additional roles that appear to be in the game.
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