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Old 07-13-2007, 05:41 AM   #374
High School JV
Join Date: Oct 2006
OK so after spending an hour putting in Ohio State's roster I fired up a game. (editing takes longer it seems). Here are a few impressions from my OSU-MICH game:

- Graphics are alot better and the games moves really smooth(as if that says anything)
- To see play art before the snap, you hold right trigger and flick the right stick up(sort of annoying)
- Plays will auto-motion receivers and backs before the snap
- I fumbled(and lost) the ball twice and threw 4 picks, I feel like I have to relearn how to play offensively.
- Running is fun but I hope the fumbles were a fluke, I don't want to have to remember to press the protect ball button everytime I run. Also I couldn't switch hands when running down the sideline.
- Chad Henne killed me, Maybe AA level was a little optimistic.
-No sacks from 10 yards away that I could tell(and I was sacked about 5 times)
- Only 1 pass interference was called all game and that was legit when I picked it off and ran it back.

One Play stood out in particular for me: Henne threw into the endzone and the reciever jumped up and had it at the peak. I hit sticked him low and the guy flipped(looked like I broke his neck). First time I actually jumped out of my seat for a video game hit in a long time. That was nice.

I played 1 dynasty game, againts FCS Midwest, and won 70-0. Best thing about that was I started simming when I was up 30-0 in the 2Q. The computer subbed in all of my backups without me telling it to(I was really worried about this)
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