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Old 07-11-2007, 09:27 AM   #308
Mizzou B-ball fan
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Kansas City, MO
Originally Posted by TroyF View Post
Two schools of thought and both are equally right:

1) I'm not paying $60 for a buggy game that should be better. Screw (insert gamemaker here), I'm not buying their garbage.

I've taken this opinion with older versions of OOTP. (although I'm really enjoying 7) There isn't anything wrong with this opinion. I can see why people have it and have had it myself in the past.

2) OK, the game is buggy in parts, but with slider tweaks it's playable. I still have fun playing it and it is the only option out there. At the end of the day, I'll get my $60 worth of gameplay out of it, even if I wish it could be better.

I think this is the attitude most people take with an NCAA/Madden game. Simply put, there is no alternative for a graphical dynasty game. It's Madden and NCAA. There have been years the game has been a complete and total disaster. But most years EA gets it good enough to make it enjoyable for all but the die hard sports gamers.

I know I'll be frustrated by something in the game within a week of purchase. I also know I'll play the game 25-35 hours at a minimum, have some online games with friends and get more than enough enjoyment out of the overall game to make it worth my money.

If a gamer gets that, there is nothing wrong with it. I believe Mizzou plays ESPN 2K7 baseball on the 360. That thing is damned near unplayable for me but he was able to overlook the flaws and get his money worth out of it. Good for him. And good for us who will get it out of NCAA.

Actually, MizzouRah is the one who likes the 2K7 game. I currenly play the PS3 version of The Show. We both wear black and gold to work every day, so I can see how you were confused.
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