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Old 07-10-2007, 08:42 PM   #283
Join Date: Nov 2006
I loved last year's game despite the occasionally poor collision detection and DB AI. After playing the new demo, I'm thinking of cancelling my preorder. Some of these have been mentioned, but here are my thoughts:


- Obviously the frame rate is huge.
- Tackling all-around is better -- gang-tackles and regular. I liked the additional broken tackles because it always seemed like someone was there to finish off the play.
- DB AI seems improved and collision detection didn't seem to be an issue during plays.


- In my first game Michigan started the first 3 drives with picks. Turnovers on both sides are out of control but maybe that is just a demo issue.
- The playcalling screen is horrid. Not only do you have to scroll side to side to change formations, but you can no longer use the bumpers to quick-flip which means 2 or 3 button presses just to get to a new page.
- While gang-tackles are cool, they are mainly just clean up work, ie the defender is trying for an extra yard and you come in to knock him back.
- The ball physics on incompletions seemed weird. The ball was pinballing around receivers' hands and making loud thud sounds. This might have been in last year's game and I just didn't notice it as much.
- I'm seeing a lot of slowdown between plays when the screen transitions.

Some other frustrating notes on my first game (which I won 16-14) besides the 3 initial picks were:

Opening kickoff returned against me after running through a pile of 4 guys.
On one of my PATs the ball went through my holder, and the play was called dead.

I'm pretty disappointed as I was really looking forward to this game, but I'm hoping that this was a really early build used in the demo.
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