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Old 06-20-2007, 03:07 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by dbd1963 View Post
He didn't stop at the one video. He is continuing to meet objections in other videos on his Youtube site:


Videos 2 and 3 address some of the points mentioned in this thread already.

The problem is that he presented his first video as, in his own words, a "silver bullet argument". And then he admits that it's full of holes? He said he anticipated all of the objects? Well then, that wouldn't be a "silver bullet", would it?

But his reasoning for not having the "Global Depression" in the "yes"/"True" box is flawed. He's saying that, due to human psychology about doing something good, would lower the chance of it happening. You have GCC not happening and us with no money. What you don't have is knowlegde of the cause. If GCC doesn't happen, how do we know that we were causing it if spend our money to stop it? Think about it, we spend our money and resources to stop GCC and it doesn't happen. How do we know our action stopped it? There's no way to know (well, the scientists might but no one listens to them ). So the end result of "yes"/"False" and "yes"/True" is still the same, no GCC, no money and not knowing if our actions stopped it.

But to go back to the original point, he presented this as a silver bullet and now he's making videos to address the objections, most of his "addressing" is essentially agreeing with the objection and then argueing global climite change (citing quotes from professors, science organizations, etc.). IOW, after claiming his simple chart ot be a "silver bullet", "After this video, who could ever disagree?", proof that we need to choose column "yes", he's now essentially saying that it is flawed and simple and we should trust the scientists to do the complex study and analysis for us.

You know, being the cynic I am, I can't help but to think that he presented his flawed, little logic chart knowing that it would get a ton of attention just so he could do these followup videos so he could quote the evidence and testimony by scientists for global climate change with the knowledge that plenty of people would be watching....hmmm...(EDIT: Except it's not working, over 100,000 views for the original video, only a few thousand for each of the follow ups.)

Last edited by sabotai : 06-20-2007 at 03:09 PM.
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