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Old 06-06-2003, 11:18 AM   #203
The Afoci
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Moorhead
The party rolls on....

First in is mckerney's Art Frazier and Kalle "Waste of $15000 even though he's valued more than six times that" Trandahl. They were followed in by Aesyrqwe's David Dewitt and Jerald Obrien. Next came robbgmaier's Oriol "double stuff" Villaver and Elijah "the prophet" Dupree. The place was getting crowded as Qwikshot's Travis "John Philip" Sousa, Havok's Vlad "The Impaler" Nutiu, AKnightofNi, and illinfan999's Richard Mcgowan. All these people enter the party, grab some beverages, attempt to cure glaucoma and start to hear a buzz in the background. The tension in the place builds to a feverish pace. Ladies panties are starting to litter the grounds. Men are putting lub down their ass cracks just in case. What could all this mean....
Mean sounding 80's guitar riff
Another mean sounding 80's guitar riff
Yet another mean sounding 80's guitar riff
The lights on the stage start flashing and people start to converge on the stage
POUR SOME SUGAR ON LOVE, mumble mumble mumble mumble mumble mumble, YEAH, POUR SOME SUGAR ON LOVE

As the lyrics to a song sung by a hearing impart big cat blare out the speaker, the crowd realizes what is about to happen. They are about to witness the greatness of a legend so legendary that legends are now made because of it. The smell of horrible cologne, the glimmer of gold chains, the sight of zubaz's, the finest avaitor glasses ever, means only one thing!


The crowd errupts into cheers and the song blares out of the speakers. Unsure of the words he mumbles until he screams "POUR SOME SUGAR ON ME!".

"Okay, thank you, thank you" starts [b]Hornsmaniac_2 "Quiet down folks."

The crowd quiets, anticipating what he is about to enlighten them on!

"Many of you have followed my time tested techniques to getting more shemale tail" he starts. "Many of you are no much cockier and much funnier because of my teachings. I also notice some of you have picked up some techniques from my last book, because I see alot of guys ready with the lub already in the crack. No more suprises. Being on the wrong end of a shemale/male relationship with out lube is a mistake you only make once, and I am glad you have all learned from my mistakes! But I am here to announce that this week is perhaps the greatest week I have ever had while working with the Crawfish. We had numerous people take my teachings and brought themselves to a new playmaking level. Let me introduce the 2 newest "solid" playmakers!"

Cheers from the crowd errupt as Enrico Jimeno and Teddy Carney step up to the stage.

"Enrico Jimeno has been one that has been in the program a while, since the start and has followed everything to a letter" says Hornsmaniac_2. "Its finally paid off as you are solid. Teddy "I used to be a" Carney on the other hand just came up from the youth squad. In only one week, he achieved the highest level of playmaking a Crawfish has ever achieved. Lets give them a hand!"

As the cheers roared through the place a small light could be seen from the sky. It was heading towards the crowd. As it drew closer, it became more and more obvious who and what it was. It was none other than Crawfish legend, "You better guard your daughters or they will be" Les "thier "Cherry"s" and a special female friend who just joined the mile high club with him well skydiving and also joined the herpes club. She was more happy about the first than the second, but you take the good with the bad.

"I may only be a weak playmaker" says "You better guard your daughters or they will be" Les "thier "Cherry"s", "But when I infect you with my love, you will feel the pain. And so do our oppents. Here is to scoring a goal on the Cheesecake!"

The crowd screams and the party resumes. They party into the night and early morning.

After stumbling to the bus and prepare for a match of the season against the toughest team to ever be in V77.

God Speed Crawfish, God Speed...
I had something.
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