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Old 05-15-2007, 06:24 PM   #83
Poet in Residence
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Charleston, SC
A great episode, and one I've been thinking about since it aired. I like that the writers are underlining how irredeemable Tony is after all this time -- something they needed to re-emphasize after his relatively sedate behavior since getting shot (beating up the crony for the hell of it as a notable exception). If they are planning a bad end for him -- as I have to imagine they must, unless leaving him alive/out-of-prison as a way of not suffering for his immorality isa more satisfying way of dodging expectations -- they have to play notes such as these leading up to the finale.

The way Chris went out was rough and unexpected -- incredible storytelling, and one of the most affecting scenes I've experienced on television (including the end of Twin Peaks). But there is no salvation for Tony, alive or dead, and now that the show no longer needs to give us much to like about him in order to keep us watching, I think they may be about to turn the dial to eleven.
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