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Old 05-03-2007, 05:46 PM   #454
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Puyallup, WA
Originally Posted by Crapshoot View Post
Oh god, here we go again with the competitive imbalance thread. Do you lot realize baseball has had 7 different WS winners over the last 7 years? Seriously? Coming into this season, 24 of 30 teams could consider the playoffs a reasonable goal (more than say, the NFL).

And here's the world series winners arguement. Its a very poor and flawed way of saying there is competitive balance. All it shows is how much luck is involved once the playoffs start.

24 teams with a shot at the playoffs is an incredible stretch. You're still going to see the same old teams in the end with maybe a new team or 2 coming from a weak division (NL central).

This isn't a comptetive balance issue in the sense of having a payroll of $200 million. Its actually much worse. Small-mid market teams best chance of competing had always been finding players on the foriegn market and drafting well. Now that the large market teams are using their financial advantages (which is a competitive imbalance that can't be argued) to work the draft and sign the top foreign talent, it takes one more thing away from the smaller market clubs.
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