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Old 05-01-2007, 04:46 PM   #430
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Seattle, WA
Originally Posted by Alan T View Post
It appears that mercy won't tell us much about who is affected by the shadow, and definitly won't help us release people from that corruption. As always, our most powerful tool for fighting the evil is the punishment. Those that are afraid to inflict that punishment are the doorways for the shadow to enter.

The only time mercy should be shown is in the case of a person's neck being on the line and giving indisputible last minute evidence that they are not affected by the shadow.

Originally Posted by Alan T View Post
Vote Swaggs

Voting for anyone with the intent of giving them mercy anyhows without hearing more from them seems redundant and counter-productive.

When we have someone on the block, they by all means should give us a reason to not punish them, and at that time we can choose to give them mercy instead of punishment.

Originally Posted by Alan T View Post
If you vote for mercy always, then you never will rid yourself of the shadow. If you vote punishment, you might end up stripping someone useful of their power, but also could remove the shadow influence from them.

Worst case is you target someone who is useful, they give you enough of a convincing of that and you can then give them mercy and buy more time to look at them a bit more in depth before stripping them of their powers. It is my belief that with the tools we have available, its even more benefitial for us than normal to go heavy at the punishment.

If you feel no one will ever be able to convince you they are good or bad, and thus will always vote mercy, you're not helping us at all.

Originally Posted by Alan T View Post
Well I guess the scenerio I bring up is:

What if the person who is up for punishment/mercy ends up coming out and saying "I'm the Medium, or I'm the Spiritualist" or something along those lines. It appears that all of the magical roles are from the list there, and some of them might be handier than others. I think if someone came out saying they were a role that might be pretty useful in our effort to clense people of the shadow, I might reconsider being merciful.

If someone chooses to not defend themselves, or end up with some expendable role, I still say I likely will choose to punish. I just know my mind hasn't been made up until people have had their chance to defend themselves.

So, what here says that you would be willing to vote mercy without a reveal??
We have always been at war with Eastasia.
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