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Old 04-30-2007, 03:53 PM   #126
Pro Starter
Join Date: Jul 2001
Originally Posted by rules
Magical Items

There are a number of magical items scattered around the complex. This is most of, but not all, the magical items that can be potentially found. Note that some of the items can only be used at night, others only during the day, and some at either time.

Message me with any specific questions.

Potion of Weariness
- A person who drinks this potion is unable to cast a vote in either vote the next day, but able to speak normally.

Potion of Alertness - A person who drinks this potion is active and alert through the night, and able to see what goes on in his room. This gives him a good chance to identify people that come in and what they are doing. Also, this potion makes even the magical sleep of the mercy option or other magical abilities impossible.

Potion of Sleep
- This potion will put a person to sleep for the night, they will not be able to take a night action, and night actions on them are more successful.

Potion of Power - This potion is said to drastically increase magical power, temporarily. If it is drunk by someone who has been cleansed, it miraculously restores their powers and their former role (but not any former Shadow corruption.) If it is drunk by a normal person, it boosts their magical powers for the next day and night cycles after it is taken. This allows night actions to be much more effective and useful (even for the Shadow!) and also makes a person immune to cleansing during the next day cycle.

Potion of Masking - This potion is only effective when taken at night. It sheathes the drinker in a magical mask that allows him to shrug off all night actions aimed at them, including Shadow attempts.

Potion of Darkness - IMPORTANT! This potion used to be something useful but has been corrupted by the Shadow's arrival. When found, it will look like one of the other potions. When drunk, horrible things can happen, up to and including being corrupted by the Shadow. This potion is fortunately rare.

Scroll of Identity - This magical parchment can be read one time, to magically learn the role of one player. This will reveal both magical and mundane roles, but not whether a person is corrupted or not. Note that in the case of the Sun spies, this will reveal their TRUE role.

Ring of Shadows
- This ancient ring grants the power of invisibility by drawing shadows to the user. It can be used on two different nights to protect the player from harm. Also, if desired it can be used once (and destroyed) to use a night action to search out the shadow beings and find one of them.

Mask of Whispers - This is a small mask that can be put over the lower part of the face. It allows the wearer to once each day send one short (two lines or less) PM message to someone, and get a short message in reply. Must run through the GM, you can identify yourself or not.

Triune Pyramid - A small golden pyramid which if possessed, makes the bearer immune to other magical effects, including items, being corrupted by shadow, and even being cleansed. However, there is an increasing chance it will shatter if exposed to a lot of magical stress.

Ritual Dagger - This long dagger is made of gleaming silver and is used in certain darker rituals. It has been tied into the magical abilities of everyone in the coven, and so can be used to find a specifed person even if they are hiding or using another magical ability to hide themselves. The dagger can be used as a free night action.

Seal of Command - This seal of enchanted black wax boosts the user's command capabilities, people listen to him or her. It can be used to break a tie in either the name or the punishment vote. Contact the GM by 8:00 PM EST with who you choose.

Ring of Wisdom - This Ring allows the user to cast one secret vote each day. The vote is a name vote only, not a punishment vote. The vote must be sent to the GM before the deadline and will be announced immediately. It cannot be changed. Once the vote is cast the GM will announce "The Ring of Wisdom casts a vote for XYZ!"

in order to make it easier to read and reference I broke the Magical Items into one post and roles in another.

RED=More benefit to bad
BLUE=More benefit to good
GREEN=Could benefit either

these are my opinions and I welcome comments.
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