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Old 04-18-2007, 10:34 PM   #249
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Puyallup, WA
Originally Posted by molson View Post
I've never heard anyone more repetitive in any medium, or in my own life. He literally comes up with a point to make, and then repeats 3 sentences for 5 straight minutes. It's almost fascinating.

If he thinks he said something clever or funny you'll hear it in just about every other sentence the rest of the show and a lot of times he'll carry it on through several shows.

There's no real discussion on the show. He'll bring up a topic and if anyone calls in that disagrees with his view he'll either repeatedly interupt them or just drop the call and go off for a few minutes on why his view is right and everyone else's is wrong.

He's also been known to steal stuff off of message boards and passes it off as his own material. He's so uncreative he'll actually read it word for word.

Anyways, I love the firejoemorgan blog. Its nice to see someone at least attempt to hold poor sports journalists accountable for spewing out garbage, relying on cliches throughout their writing, or just simply making up stats to support their point.
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