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Old 04-17-2007, 10:45 PM   #26
Pro Starter
Join Date: Jan 2004
I want to try this but one look at the support forum on the mogul board an dyou see almost two pages of pretty significant bugs. The problem with Clay's patches is they never make ground each patch causes new bugs and jsut solves the next patch then fixes them but breaks a bunch of the stuff that was ok in the last patch. It is a zero sum process. So, pretty much whatever is released on opening day is pretty much the game until the next version. I might give Puresim another try since I haven't tried it since 06. the problem with PS was it was always more a fictional player/historical roster game not current roster for the current year. In fact I don't ever remember a roster with opening day rosters made by the community. This year I see someone has put together a 2007 40 man rosters which is an improvement. I like to play GM and am not sure which of the three games handles the facets of being a GM like trade,FA, and AI roster mangement the best but it appears non do it very well;(
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