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Old 04-12-2007, 11:57 PM   #188
College Prospect
Join Date: Jul 2001
Originally Posted by DeToxRox View Post
As a Tigs fan I thoroughly enjoyed last nights game but I couldn't begin to speculate why he used 8 pitchers in a 12 inning 0-0 game for the life of me.

Also - -Corey Patterson is the worst player in baseball. Watching this series it amazes me how someone so talented can not understand the game. Like in Tuesdays game, all tied up, runner on second with no outs, he pops up first pitch swinging. That is on the coaches for probably not giving him the sign but he needs to be aware that it's fundamental ball. There are other examples but that's most glaring.

Patterson will be gone after this season hopefully. I'm hoping at the trade deadline they move him for something, I don't care what. He's a FA, and a Boras client, so he's gone likely. But, yeah, he swings at everything. Once he strings together some homers that becomes apparent too, because then that's all he tries to do. His speed is valuable, but I could do without him.

Also, I just noticed that I put those guys are rotting in Ottawa, still used to typing that. My mistake, they're rotting in Norfolk.
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