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Old 04-11-2007, 12:25 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Hoya1 View Post
Great episode.

We have to remember that what we've learned, may not always lead to something. The writers could be steering us in a direction, only to throw a curveball to catch us off guard.
Seems a little to easy.
Tony's gun gets picked up.
Hallow point bullets
Janice telling Bobby to make sure he gets rid of his
Tony telling Bobby that he will need to rely on him more. More of a right hand man because he's not sure he can trust Christopher. They talk about "hits" and Bobby brings up DNA evidence.
The fight causing a rift between Tony and Bobby.
Tony makes Bobby do the hit as "revenge"
Bobby gets his shirt ripped off and drops the gun.

This all leads me to Bobby getting arrested, then flipping saying it was Tony that made him do it. It seems to easy, so I'm sure something else needs to occur

First of all, the hit was in Canada. Bobby was wearing gloves. It is hard to tell if the hit actually held onto a bit of the shirt or if it was just ripped.

The bigger groundwork is what's going on between Tony and Christopher.

Sopranos is all about multiple meanings...did anyone catch the brief duck interludes (one flies by Tony when he's on the dock, Nica singing a duck song - stops at mother duck).

Dropping the gun is standard wiseguy practice, it's was the right thing to do (see Godfather). It's only a bad idea when it can be traced back to you (ergo the initial arrest).

The talk about the hits was just that. I think Tony and Bobby were shooting the breeze. After the fight, Tony knew this was his way of getting back at Bobby.

The hollow points I would think is a red herring, the kid had the gun for almost two years, who is to say that wasn't /his/ hollow points in Tony's gun.

I liked the start, there was a duality. You saw how the Tony, Carmella, Janice and Bobby all partied, and then you saw how A.J. and his group partied (I'm sure we'll see more development). Tony wasn't so amused to see AJ's girlfriend's son at what 3 sucking on a pacifier, he was more excited to see Nica (god help this child).

Symbolism is everywhere...Janice singing "Out of Time" and Carmella singing "Love Hurts".

Biggest thing to look at closely, Carmella seems to be rubbing her shoulder a could be nothing (note she was rubbing it before she got into the tangle and landed on the coffee table). Most discussers stated shoulder rubbing could be, /could be/ a symptom of cancer (ovarian).

Also, a conspiracy angle...Janice had a son way back...He lives in Canada, I believe he was a musician. Just like the guy who got killed by Bobby - major stretch I know, but possible.

It's what I like about the Sopranos, if you watch, you remember, it expects you to remember things.
"General Woundwort's body was never found. It could be that he still lives his fierce life somewhere else, but from that day on, mother rabbits would tell their kittens that if they did not do as they were told, the General would get them. Such was Woundwort's monument, and perhaps it would not have displeased him." Watership Down, Richard Adams
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