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Old 04-09-2007, 08:21 PM   #265
Alan T
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Mass.
I would like to address my fellow Senators today, for it was I who placed Coffeus Yakus Warlordus under arrest. Today we as senators have a very serious decision ahead of us, for we hold a fellow Senator's good name in our hand. I placed him under arrest under a few bad feelings that I had about him, however I have no inside knowledge or understanding of his possible treachery at this point.

Like I stated before, I felt any inaction in my post would not only be anti-productive, but also almost criminal in failure to do my elected duty. I am very dissapointed that my fellow Consul, Westvus Fanus has chosen the course of inaction today, as it clearly limits our choices in removing the treasonous individuals from our ranks. I would hope that there might be senators among us that could dig deeper into the behavior of Senator Coffeus Yakus Warlordus and if they find anything that would indicate being disloyal to the republic our actions today will be clear. I would likewise urge the remainder of the senators to be cautious with our actions if no signs of his treason do appear.

I fully take the scepticism that might appear from my so called "hasty" arrest, but I had the need to find someone to put under early suspicion and for us to analyze. I do not take my post lightly and hope that it can be a conduit of good.

Originally Posted by Coffee Warlord View Post
From what I understand, the Consuls can arrest someone and we theoretically could still have a lynch attempt today.

And no. I have no reason for my lawsuit aside from the fact that I want to be richer. Completely selfish reasons.

This early comment from the senator made me a bit worried that his actions were selfish in nature and not looking to further the republic.

Originally Posted by Coffee Warlord View Post
Hmm. A thought hath occured to me. Can we have several people buy the other services today, in the hopes that whatever info they receive post-purchase can shed some light on just what the hell some of those do?

This comment while not coming out and stating he wanted people to announce what service they purchased, it seemed to start a bit of conversation that seemed to encourage that. I feel that would be a bad mistake to come out and state at this moment.

While I do agree that understanding what the different services provide us, for now we must hide some of that in the shadows in order to keep those who might be disloyal to our republic guessing at who is a safer target. I will be happy to share more information on what I do know later in the evening, but for now I would like to encourage others to not reveal just yet what service they did purchase.
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