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Old 04-07-2007, 08:36 AM   #108
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Originally Posted by Chief Rum View Post
"Cheating like this".

Got it. So why is it cheating again? Because a legal substance isn't where it should be on a player's person? How does that affect the game? If the substance has been deemed legal and usable by players on the field, why does it matter where they keep the stuff? Are you saying it's not resin? Because everyone seems to believe it is indeed just resain, a legal substance.

I don't view the whole thing as a huge deal, but "smudges" on a player are difficult to police, and that's why they're illegal. Is an umpire supposed to physically check the smudge every inning to make sure it's still resin? Because it wouldn't be difficult to swap it with something else.

Why should MLB bend over backwards for K-Rod's habits? A bright line rule here is appropriate, and easy to enforce, so that's what we have. I don't see why he should be above that.

Last edited by molson : 04-07-2007 at 08:37 AM.
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