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Old 04-04-2007, 10:34 PM   #94
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Originally Posted by Shorty3281 View Post
Thoughts on game 2 of the Reds/Cubs.

Man, hate to lose like that. Arroyo had a pretty decent outing, 9 k's but takes the loss.

The hitters couldn't get it going, Junior and Dunn surprisingly the only consistent bats in the first two games of the season. Phillips/Encarnacion/Ross pissing me off so far.

Why not PH LHB Hamilton for RHB Conine with 2 outs, bottom 9 against RHP Dempster? Doesn't make sense to me.

We hit probably atleast 4 balls tonight that just died in the air and on a regular night at GABP would have been goners. That sucks.

Soriano and Lee have not looked good for the Cubs at all so far.

I didn't see that performance from Lilly coming. When he has control of it, his curve is pretty nice.

Bad managing on Narron's part in the 8th. Should have never let Arroyo go back out after the seventh. You can see him starting to labor more. Especially, after getting one runner on, he should have never got to pitch to the next guy.

Ross looks horrid. My fear I think is true. Kid was just a flash in the pan last year. His play on the squeeze play was possibly the worst defensive play we'll see all year. Just stupid. Perhaps Arroyo should get it but Ross has to realize he's seeing everything...he should know Lee wasn't going anywhere on 3rd. He's been equally awful at the plate.

Encarnacion and Phillips will get it going. Ross I'm not sure about.

How about Brenneman and Brantley though? Brantely annoyed me a couple of times but good God is it nice to have real announcers. They should give Grande his severence pay now and say c-ya.

Last edited by rowech : 04-04-2007 at 10:34 PM.
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